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Your Patent

Effortless Patent Registration: Protect your invention with expert guidance and secure your intellectual property rights. Prices starting at INR 29899/- only.

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  • Patent Application for complete specifications registration of device patents (non- provisional) with the Indian Patent Office. Complete drawings/ illustrations, abstract and claims.


  • Patent Application for complete specifications registration of design and medical patents (non- provisional) with the Indian Patent Office. Complete drawings/ illustrations, abstract and claims


  • Patent Application for complete specifications registration of device, design or medical patents (non- provisional) with the Indian Patent Office. Invention description and drawings/ illustrations, Abstract and claims

Patent Registration

All you need to know

Importance of Patent 

A patent is a valuable tool that grants exclusive rights to inventors over their inventions. It provides protection for new products or processes that offer innovative solutions to technical problems. By obtaining a patent, inventors have the right to prevent others from commercially making, using, selling, importing, or distributing their patented invention without permission.

Patent application requires disclosing technical information about the invention in a patent application, which is made available to the public. Both individuals and corporate entities can apply for a patent to safeguard their inventions.

The granting and enforcement of patents are governed by national laws and international treaties. Patent rights are territorial, meaning they are applicable within the jurisdiction where the patent is granted.

Patent Application Process

The patent application process involves several key steps:

  • Invention Disclosure: Start by documenting your invention thoroughly, including its technical details, functionality, and how it differs from existing solutions.
  • Prior Art Search: Conduct a comprehensive search to identify any existing patents or inventions similar to yours. This helps determine the novelty and patentability of your invention.
  • Drafting the Patent Application: Prepare a detailed patent application, including a clear description of your invention’s technical aspects, claims that define the scope of protection, and any necessary drawings or diagrams.
  • Filing the Application: Submit your patent application to the relevant patent office, either online or through physical submission.
  • Examination: The patent office examines your application to assess its novelty and non-obviousness. You may need to respond to office actions or provide additional information during this phase.
  • Publication: Once the patent office approves your application, it is published in the official patent gazette or database.
  • Grant: After successfully completing the examination process and fulfilling any additional requirements, your patent is granted.
  • Maintenance: To maintain your patent’s validity, pay periodic renewal fees and meet any post-grant requirements, such as providing updates or reports.
  • Enforcement: With a granted patent, you have the exclusive right to protect your invention from unauthorized use. This may involve legal action against infringing parties.
Patent Application With Us

At, we understand the significance of patent protection for inventors. Our experts provide end-to-end support to help you navigate the patent application process smoothly. We offer comprehensive services to assist you in legally patenting your invention, ensuring that your intellectual property rights are safeguarded.

By choosing, you gain access to our team of experienced professionals who will guide you through every step of the patent application process. We provide expert advice, handle documentation, and ensure compliance with legal requirements, allowing you to focus on your innovation.

Protect your invention and secure your exclusive rights with patent registration through Contact our experts at 9178663478 or email us at for a free consultation and start the journey towards patenting your invention today.

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