Wind Off
Your Company
Streamlined Strike Off Company Services: Expert guidance for dissolving your company efficiently and legally. Prices start at INR 18999/- only.

Strike Off Company Fees
Choose your Package
INR18999/-- Wind up a company with no transactions since incorporation
- Preparation of Statement of Accounts
- Preparation of Indemnity Bond
- Preparation of Affidavits
- Documents preparation
INR21399/-- Wind up a company with no transactions since incorporation
- 2 Directors' DIR 3 KYC
- Form 20A Filing for capital upto INR 1 Lakh
- Preparation of Statement of Accounts
- Preparation of Indemnity Bond
- Preparation of Affidavits
- Documents preparation
INR24499/-- Wind up a company with no transactions since incorporation
- 2 Directors' DIR 3 KYC
- Form 20A Filing for capital upto INR 1 Lakh
- 2 DSC Application Class III Individual 2 Year Validity
- GST Cancellation Application
- Preparation of Statement of Accounts
- Preparation of Indemnity Bond
- Preparation of Affidavits
- Documents preparation
- Filing of GSTR-10 (Final Return)
Strike Off Company
All you need to know
When a company is incorporated, it receives a Certificate of Incorporation from the Registrar of Companies, acknowledging its existence. Once the company’s name is registered, it cannot be removed unless the company initiates the process or it is done by law. In cases where a company fails to commence its business or submit annual returns, the registrar may take the initiative to Strike Off the company by sending a notice to its registered office address.
The meaning of Strike Off is the removal of the company’s name from the Register of Companies maintained by the Registrar of Companies. This effectively closes the company, rendering it non-existent and unable to conduct any further operations.
If you need to revive a struck-off company, you can reach out to
The official dissolution of a company typically takes a minimum of three months, although the duration can vary depending on the complexity of the process. However, a company will cease to exist no earlier than three months from the date the winding-up notice is published in the Gazette. Some companies, however, may opt for the fast track exit mode to expedite the striking off process.
Companies that are eligible for striking off under the fast track exit mode include:
1. Companies that have not been operating or carrying on any business for the past two years from the date of the application.
2. Companies that have not been operating or carrying on any business within one year of incorporation.
3. Companies with no assets and liabilities.
On the other hand, there are circumstances under which a company is not eligible for strike off:
1. Companies incorporated after November 2, 2018, that have not filed Form 20A.
2. Companies that have not completed one year since incorporation.
3. Ongoing companies engaged in business transactions within the past 1-2 years.
4. Directors with deactivated DINs or disqualification.
5. Companies that have already received a strike-off notice from the ROC.
6. Companies involved in ongoing litigation.
Removing an incorporated or registered company from the list of companies maintained by the state registrar can be done smoothly with the assistance of Simplemyfiling’s team. You can simply provide them with your company name, and they will guide you through the process. The application for strike-off can be submitted by both actively working companies and dormant companies.
The procedure for company strike-off is conducted online. You can also check the Company Strike-Off List in India from the MCA records. To apply for the removal of a company’s name or strike off a company, you need to submit Form STK-2 along with the prescribed fees.
If you require assistance with Private Limited Company strike off, is an excellent service provider. They offer a hassle-free, cost-effective, and efficient process for striking off a private limited company. also provides services for striking off LLPs, striking off OPCs, company annual filing, and secretarial compliance services.
For a free consultation, you can contact Simplemyfiling’s compliance manager at 9178663478 or email them at