Change in

Your DIN

Effortless Change in DIN: Navigate director identification number modifications with expert guidance for seamless transitions. Prices start at INR 1299/- only.

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  • Changes in DIN


  • Changes in DIN
  • Digital Signature Class 2 Individual having 2 Years Validity

Change in DIN

All you need to know

Director Identification Number (DIN): A Unique Identifier for Directors

Director Identification Number (DIN) is a crucial requirement for both existing and new directors of a company. As per the amendment to the Companies Act, every director must possess a DIN. It is a unique 8-digit identification number assigned by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The DIN serves as a permanent identification for directors and has lifetime validity.

Updating DIN Information: Address, Name, and Surname Changes

If you need to make changes to your DIN information such as address, name, or surname, it is important to follow the prescribed procedures. can assist you in effecting these changes smoothly and efficiently. Our compliance manager can provide a free consultation to guide you through the process. Feel free to reach out to us at 9178663478 or email us at

Trust for Hassle-Free Compliance Services is a trusted business platform offering comprehensive incorporation, compliance, advisory, and management consultancy services to clients in India and abroad. We understand the importance of complying with regulatory requirements, and our team is dedicated to ensuring a seamless experience for our clients. In addition to DIN-related services, we also provide assistance with Private Limited Company Registration, Public Limited Company Registration, LLP Registration, HUF, One Person Company, and various other compliance needs. Contact us today to discuss your requirements and receive expert guidance.

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