1. The registration fees for a Nidhi Company in India can vary based on factors such as the authorized share capital and the state in which the company is registered. Here is a general overview of the fees associated with the registration of a Nidhi Company:

      1. Authorized Share Capital:

      • The registration fee for a Nidhi Company is often linked to the authorized share capital. The higher the authorized share capital, the higher the registration fee.

      2. Stamp Duty:

      • Stamp duty is applicable for the registration of documents, and the amount may vary based on the state in which the Nidhi Company is registered.

      3. Professional Fees:

      • Companies often engage professionals such as chartered accountants or company secretaries to assist with the registration process. Professional fees can vary based on the service provider.

      4. Government Fees:

      • The government fees for the registration of a Nidhi Company include charges levied by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) and other regulatory authorities.

      5. Other Charges:

      • Additional charges may include fees for the name approval process, incorporation fees, and filing fees for various documents.

      Important Considerations:

      • Authorized Share Capital: The registration fee is often calculated based on the authorized share capital of the company. It’s essential to determine an appropriate authorized share capital based on the company’s business plan and requirements.

      • Stamp Duty: The stamp duty varies from state to state, and it is crucial to check the specific stamp duty rates applicable in the state where the Nidhi Company is being registered.

      • Professional Assistance: Engaging the services of professionals, such as chartered accountants or company secretaries, can incur additional fees. These professionals can assist in ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements.

      • Government Fees: Keep in mind that government fees are subject to change, and it’s advisable to check the latest fee schedule provided by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) or relevant authorities.

      To obtain accurate and up-to-date information on Nidhi Company registration fees, it is recommended to consult with a professional service provider or refer to the official website of the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) in India. Additionally, seeking legal advice can help ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements during the registration process.